Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Guide To Allergies

About Allergy

By Ken Marlborough

Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen could be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one’s body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same.

People suffering from food allergies are many. Although most of these individuals do not have very severe reactions, some might find instant severe reaction to some foods. Some of the allergic reactions are caused due to seafood, regular food such as rice, soy, wheat, nuts, flowers, sunlight, metals and many such items.

Certain allergic reactions that are caused can be given temporary treatment to sooth the itchiness and provide some relief to the patient. However, most allergies have no permanent cure and the individuals suffering from these will need to avoid coming in contact with certain items that might cause reactions.

Itchiness and irritation along with blotches are caused in most reactions. Body lotions can sometimes soothe these although severe ones need to be treated with immediate effect. Drug reactions must be immediately taken care of as they can turn out to be quite severe with delay and might even result in death of the patient if an alternative to stop the reaction is not immediately administered to the patient.

People suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma, sinusitis can use inhalers for temporary relief. Such individuals need to have the medicine on hand at all times in anticipation of an attack due to some reason or other. Other preventive medicines must be taken without fail for avoiding the attacks at inappropriate moments. Antihistamines and decongestants also help with respiratory problems.

Allergies tests must be taken to fist diagnose the problem. Although most of them do not have a temporary cure, allergy shots, supplements and other medication would help in stopping the attacks when least expected. Most allergy medication causes drowsiness and can impair driving. It is usually suggested to rest when on medication because of this. Allergy shots also help a great deal in the long run as they can reduce the chances of attacks drastically if proper care is taken.

Seasonal allergies are most common in children and even in a few percentages of adults. Taking a few precautions at the initial time of seasonal change can help a great deal in avoiding such allergies. Although spring is the most beautiful season, all that pollen in the air might result in respiratory and skin allergies. Children’s immunity system must be strong to be able to encounter these changes in the weather. Vitamins, particular the vitamin C can help a lot avoid respiratory allergies.

One important thing to consider before getting a prescription filled is to find weather the patient can take that medication without further allergy because of that medication, as many are allergic to sulfur and other ingredient in the medication composition.

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