Friday, July 18, 2008

Did You Know That Natural Herbs And Vitamins Will Help With Allergy Relief?

By: Mayur

More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic diseases. A recent nationwide survey found that more than half (54.6 percent) of all U.S citizens test positive to one or more allergens; among specific allergens, dust mite, rye, ragweed, or cockroach caused sensitization in approximately 25 percent of the population.

This article will provide tips for allergy relief. The information covered below will address the following questions:

*** Why do we develop allergies?

*** What causes allergies?

*** Allergy symptoms

*** Tips to obtain allergy relief

*** Herbs, vitamins & supplements

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Allergy Cough And Its Remedy

Allergy cough is part of the allergy season that comes on the wings of every spring and then some more in the fall. If you are one of those allergy victims you must have experienced the horrible never-ending allergy cough that leaves you gasping for your breath. Cough is the most common allergy symptom for which people seek desperate medical attention and remedies.

What triggers this nasty allergy cough?

The usual seasonal allergy agents such as pollen, mold, animal dander, food products, dust and some medications can be one of the factors. The body induces a cough to clean itself from allergens and airways secretions.

Causes of allergy cough are:

* Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract

* Nasal and sinus allergy

* Esophageal problems (i.e. GERD) and/or stomach problems

* Environmental irritants

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Are You Allergic? Anaphylaxis May Kill You

By Stephen Parker

An allergen is any substance that is recognized by the immune systems and is the cause of an allergic reaction. The substance most often is eaten or inhaled; some are even those caused by a scratch on the skin. Dust, pollen, and pet dander are all common allergens. Food like nuts, sea food, milk products, and fermented foods can be the cause of allergy symptoms in many people.

Giving a comprehensive list of allergens would be impossible. Neither would giving a common list be prudent because allergies are specific to persons. One person may exhibit a skin allergy where as another cat allergy. Some allergies are well known where as others are not. Perfume allergy and deodorant allergies are not so common.

Causative Factors

Common allergic reactions are due to the following causative factors. This list is not comprehensive and is based on statistical data of most occurring allergens. Airborne particles that cause hay fever are grass, weeds, birch trees, pollen, mold spores. Similarly a common list of food items that cause allergy are nuts, sesame, eggs, legumes(peas, beans, soybeans etc…), milk products, wheat, corn, and maize are a few. Insects that cause allergic reactions are bees (sting), wasps (sting) , Cockroach (calyx), Dust mite (excretion), animal hair and dander. Some drugs like penicillin, sulfonamides, salicylates (found in fruits) and local anesthetics produce adverse allergic reactions in some allergic patients.

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