Monday, March 3, 2008

Find An Effective Natural Allergy Treatment

Sometimes over-the-counter allergy medicines just don't do the trick. If you don't have a health plan with prescription coverage, medicine for relief of allergy symptoms can make a major dent in your wallet. This allergy season think about supplementing your usual medicines with a natural allergy treatment.

Some research has been done in this field that has led to some experts recommending a variety of supplements for allergy sufferers. Keep in mind, though, that this research is still in its infancy so what might work for some people might not work for you. As anyone who suffers from allergies knows, a little relief can be a big deal.

Flavonoid Supplements

Flavonoids are naturally occurring compounds found in vegetables, berries and fruits. One flavonoid, Quercetin, found in onions and apples, has been shown to inhibit histamine release. Histamines cause allergy symptoms like swollen nasal passages, congestion, sneezing and watery eyes. More research needs to be done on this natural allergy treatment. Flavonoids also reduce risk of heart disease, stroke and cataracts.


Some medical studies have shown that an extract from the butterbur plant is an effective natural allergy treatment. This shrub is found in Europe and parts of Asia and North America. The extract seems to have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties but does not block antihistamines. Most studies seem to support the claim that butterbur will help allergy sufferers, but not all studies have come to this conclusion. Talk to your health care professional about the correct dosage of butterbur to use.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle has a long history as being used a natural health remedy. The plant is found in the United States, in mountainous regions and roadsides. A preliminary medical trial has shown that capsules made from freeze-dried nettle leaves did reduce sneezing and itching in people with hay fever. This natural allergy treatment may cause minor gastrointestinal upset in some people. Certain medicines may interact with nettle supplements.

The use of one or more natural allergy treatment has become more and more popular over the years. They can be used alone or in combination with more traditional allergy medicines. The most important thing to do is discuss these alternative supplements with your physician. They will help you determine the best dosages and whether or not there are special circumstances, like pregnancy or drug interactions, that would make taking a natural allergy treatment risky.

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Finally The Answers Peanut Allergy Sufferers Are Looking For

By: Stacey Moore

The fact that the incidence of peanut allergy has doubled in the past five years may be why more and more people must read The Peanut Allergy Answer Book, 2nd Edition, written by award-winning allergist Dr. Michael C. Young. Peanut allergies continue to increase, so the impact of this medical problem, particularly in young children, is enormous.

Since the 2001 publication of The Peanut Allergy Answer Book, there has been groundbreaking research published in the field of peanut allergy and anaphylaxis in medical literature. This research includes new diagnostic tests, new vaccines and therapies, and new information on the history of peanut allergy. There has also been a great increase in public awareness of the societal impact of peanut allergy, in schools and other childcare facilities, in restaurants and in the food and restaurant industry. Read more .............

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Fighting Allergens On The Home Front

By: Wade Gibson

While asthma and allergies are nothing to sneeze at, there could be good news for the families of the 8.9 million American children currently diagnosed with asthma and the millions more who suffer from allergies. They may all be able to breathe easier by fighting dirt and dander at home. Here are hints on how:

• Wash bedding regularly in hot water.

• Avoid feather pillows.

• Put a dust mite cover on your child's mattress and pillows.

• Keep pets out of the bedroom and wash furry pets often.

• Replace heat and air-conditioning filters monthly.

• Use an exhaust fan when cooking.

• Keep curtains and blinds dust free.

• Defeat dust and dangerous allergens with a total filtration system vacuum cleaner.

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