Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Asthma Symptoms: A Former Patient's Personal Experience

Asthma Symptoms

by Foras Aje

Knowing the symptoms and signs of a certain ailment or disease may very well come in handy towards being able to control it. Asthma is no exception to this fact.

Though it's been years since I had an asthma attack, (thanks to some plain, natural methods of prevention and control), I remember vividly how at the onset of an attack my breathing used to be labored and the wheezing sounds used to begin.

What struck me as peculiar was the fact that a mere yawning and stretching (believe it or not) could trigger an asthma attack for me. Even if I received a friendly pat on the back, that in itself was enough to get me wheezing.

Well, by nature, I've always been inquisitive and I had to do some searching to see what was the cause of my asthma problems and years back I came up with the following information.

According to medical research, Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs. Moreover, an asthma attack can be triggered by chemicals, air pollutants, pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, foods, exercise, and even temperature changes.

However, the pioneers and practitioners of Naturopathy believe that 99.9% OF ALL DISEASES ARE A RESULT OF CONSTIPATION, A CLOGGING UP OF THE BODILY TISSUES!

This produces allergy and asthma symptoms: itchy, runny nose and eyes, blocked sinuses, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

Thank God, I no longer experience such things; nonetheless, if and when I do yawn and stretch or do get the occasional pat on the back, I can't help but smile to myself that I am Asthma Free!

Now, if you may be wondering what tips one can apply to control or dare I say altogether cure asthma and its related symptoms, here are a few tips that could come in handy.

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.

2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home

3. Use a humidifier in the cold seasons.

4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

Now, I save the most important for last:

You have got to give up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet-plain and simple. These are mucus forming foods and we all know what one physical characteristic of asthma symptoms are: Mucus.

This is a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program for Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to his advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

People react differently but it is safe to say with the tips above, asthma symptoms need not be as lethal or cumbersome as they may have been previously for you.

Here's to free breathing...


(Special Note) The responsibility of your use of any suggestions or procedures lies not with the author, publisher or any other party affiliated with this program. This information is not intended as medical advice

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Are Your Asthma And Allergies Caused By A Low Immune System?

Allergy Asthma

By: Susan Millar -

Many people who suffer from asthma and allergies don't realize it, but a low immune system is very likely at the root of their problems. Medical experts agree that a lowered or improperly functioning immune system can and does result in several diseases such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer to name just a few.

The body's immune systems first line of defense against disease are barriers that prevent antigens, which are large protein molecules of bacteria, viruses, chemicals and other substances that appear harmful from entering your body. The barriers include your skin, mucus, cough reflex, stomach acid and even enzymes in your tears, which destroy toxins. If the antigen or toxin manages to get past these barriers, then the immune system launches a second line of defense, found in your blood. They are white blood cells, which perform a protective function by seeking out and destroying foreign protein antigens.

If you suffer from a low immune system it is important to avoid things that suppress or act to destroy it, such as a high cholesterol diet, heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium), fat, alcohol, fried foods, food additives, obesity, industrial pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, stress, prescription drugs, too much sunlight, tobacco, and radiation.

Unfortunately, there is no "magic bullet" that you can take to quickly repair your immune system, but there are several ways to help build and support it by providing your body with proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate rest, relaxation and maintaining a positive mental attitude.

Taking the following dietary steps will help protect and build your immune system:

*** Limit saturated and trans fats, food additives and alcohol

*** Take a good quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement daily

*** Ensure your diet includes adequate protein

*** Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily.

*** Eat 3 to 4 servings of vegetables daily.

*** Eat 3 to 4 servings of legumes weekly.

*** Eat 3 to 4 servings of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods weekly

The length of time required to re-build a low immune system of course will vary depending on your individual situation and environmental exposure to immune system suppressants. This is not an overnight process, for some people it can take three months to two years. Obviously, the higher your exposure has been to immuno-suppressants, the longer it will take to build your immune system. Children tend to heal much more quickly than adults or the elderly.

People with allergies and asthma will find that their asthma and allergy symptoms become less frequent and less severe when their immune systems are strong. It's important to avoid using allergy and asthma drugs, which have toxic side effects and act to lower the immune system. There are natural supplements that safely and effectively eliminate allergy and asthma symptoms.

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Allergy Asthma

Allergy Asthma

By Jason Gluckman

Of all the diseases related to the respiratory system, asthma allergy is the most prevalent. This condition is usually visible in children and young adults, but the process may progress throughout their lives. Asthma allergy is a lung disease characterized by difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, and the increase in production of mucus during an attack. The symptoms may bring simple discomfort or they may eventually lead to death, depending on the number allergens that affect the patient, causing blockages in the airways.

Cause of Asthma Allergies

The cause of asthma allergy is similar to the causes of an allergic reaction in a person. Allergens include dust, chemicals, scents, odors and changes in temperature. The actual reactions vary from patient to patient. In some cases of asthma allergy, symptoms are triggered by exercise or the emotional state of a person. These symptoms are quite unique.

Smoke is the most recognized cause of allergy asthma, especially for children. Statistics show that a ratio of eight out of 10 children are at risk of developing asthmatic conditions when exposed to smoke. It is believed that as the city becomes more industrialized, people may develop symptoms that are similar to asthma.

Risk Factors

Asthma allergy is not distinct to certain types of people. Anyone of any age, race, weight, height or gender is at risk of acquiring the disease. People who are involved in industries that deal with heavy emissions are at a higher risk of developing asthma.

It is also believed that asthma allergy is a hereditary disorder. A person who has a history of asthma allergy in the family is also at risk.


Treatment starts with managing asthma attacks. To do this, a person needs to stay away from allergens that trigger asthma allergy. There are also medicines that can be prescribed by a physician to alleviate some symptoms.

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Allergies And Asthma - Differences And Similarities

Allergy Asthma

by Mike Herman

Allergies are the most common cause of the inflammation which underlies most asthma particularly in younger sufferers.

Allergy rates are on the increase especially in Western countries (compared to people in less affluent rural parts of the world) and there is a growing body of evidence that strongly suggests that asthma is an environmentally induced disease.

This raises the challenging possibility that we may be able to prevent asthma by altering our environment.

Treating asthma by removing the causes, aka triggers, may prove to be successful when the cause is easy to remove, such as a dust or vapors inhaled at the office.

This is also true when the cause is a pet such as a cat or dog, however the reluctance to not have loved pet commonly prevents this.

An allergy to house dust mites is one of the commonest cause of asthma but getting rid of mites sufficiently to make a significant difference requires such a major and expensive change in lifestyle for the sufferer that it is rarely successful..

Research is currently being carried out to develop future treatments which may be able to modify or diminish the allergic process in the body and help all asthmatics.

Asthma and Allergies

*The cause of the inflammation (of the airway) which underlies most asthma in younger sufferers is one or more allergies.

*More people in western countries suffer from allergies, compared to people in less affluent parts of the world, and allergy rates are on the increase.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Allergic To Your Dog Or Cat?

Pet Allergy

By: Samuel Murray

Pets definitely help us live longer and healthier lives. This is especially true of the elderly and those of us who live alone. Pets make wonderful and faithful companions. They are always there for us. However, this relationship can become strained, and sometimes even be broken when someone in the household develops an allergy to a beloved pet.

Studies show that approximately 15% of the population suffers from an allergy to a dog or cat, and about one third of those with an allergy to cats choose to live in a household with a cat despite the allergy. Some allergy suffers live happily with a pet for a year or two before an allergy starts.

There are sometimes long term health ramifications of repeated allergy flair up's, especially for children. Repeated flair-up's can cause permanent lung damage in children. This should be carefully and thoroughly discussed with your physician. One of the ways to live happily with an animal you are allergic to is to decrease your exposure to the animal. Keep the animal outside if possible.

If the allergy sufferer only has a mild reaction to the animal there are ways for the two of them to live together in harmony, but it takes work. The animal should not be allowed in the allergy sufferers bedroom or on the bed. Keep the animal off of any upholstered furniture in the house as dander can be transferred to upholstered furniture. Use a room purifier to remove airborne animal dander. Remove carpets from the home if possible and replace with wood floors. Wash area rugs on a regular basis with warm water. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter in order to trap dander. The allergy sufferer should wash his or her face and hands after handling the animal. The animal can be bathed weekly in specially formulated shampoo that removes dander.

In some cases where the above methods and the use of over the counter antihistamines and decongestants do not help, the allergy sufferer may need to seek the help of an allergist. Immunotherapy can be thought of like a vaccination against your allergies. Given on a regular basis as shots, immunotherapy helps your body build up a natural tolerance to specific allergens.

With the use of the above methods you'll be able to live a long and healthy life with your pet!

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Allergic Reactions To Latex Gloves

Latex Allergy

By: Christopher H. Waters -

The natural rubber latex is a milky fluid which is derived from the rubber tree known as hevea brasiliensis. The gloves made from this natural rubber latex are known as Latex Gloves. These latex gloves can cause allergic reactions due to the proteins released by the latex.

Health Problems Caused by wearing Latex Gloves

For the past few years it can be observed that there is an increasing incidence of allergic reactions among the latex gloves users. According to current estimation up to 17% of health care workers, who are regular users of latex gloves, have developed an allergy to them. The more time the health care workers spend in contact with latex the more they are likely to become allergic patient. The three main types of health problems which can be caused by wearing regular natural rubber latex gloves are 1) irritant dermatitis, 2) allergic contact dermatitis and 3) immediate latex allergy.

1) Irritant Dermatitis: The Irritant dermatitis is the most common disease that is associated with wearing of latex gloves. It is mainly caused by repeated washing of hands and especially wearing of powdered gloves. Dry, itchy, irritated areas on the skin are the main symptoms of this disease. The Irritant dermatitis is not actually a true allergic reaction. The irritation may be caused both because of the powder in the gloves which acts as an irritant and because of the skin which stays moist for many hours during the day as we wear them. Washing of hands may also cause an irritation because of the strong scrubbing agents, soaps and detergents.

2) Allergic Contact Dermatitis: In case of allergic contact dermatitis which is also known as chemical sensitivity dermatitis the hands, wrists and even forearms develop a red, itchy rash, blisters, sores and cracks. This disease is an allergic reaction of the skin which is caused by the chemicals inside the latex gloves. The chemicals which are mainly responsible for the disease are the residues which were not completely removed during manufacturing process. The more one is exposed to these harmful chemicals the more he is likely to react with them.

3) Immediate Latex Allergy: The most common symptoms of this disease are skin redness, rash, hives and eczema. Sometimes more severe symptoms can be life-threatening such as respiratory symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, red itchy eyes, swollen face, scratchy throat, asthma and anaphylaxis. One is more likely to develop an immediate latex allergy as long as he is exposed to the proteins released by the latex gloves.

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A Remedy For Seasonal Allergies

Allergy Remedy

By: Mark Dodd

Are you one of the millions that suffer from allergies? Are you looking for information on allergy remedies? If you are a chronic victim of the distressing effects of allergies then it’s high time you found an effective allergy remedy. There are several allergy remedy medications available on the market.

In order to effectively treat your allergies, you need to find the allergy remedy most aligned with your symptoms and needs. You have several avenues to choose from when searching for an allergy remedy. These avenues include: home remedies, allergy medication, environmental modifications, and a consultation with an Allergist.

Let’s start with home remedies. Home allergy remedies were used before allergy medications surfaced on the medical scene. Be wary of many home remedies. Many of these remedies are based on “old wives tales”.

However, there are some steps you can take at home that do work. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen you can minimize its effects by washing your clothing and hair when come home. Make sure to do this before you go to bed, so that you won’t spread any of the pollen onto your bedding.

Allergy medications are a wonderful allergy remedy. You can use over the counter antihistamine pills, lotions, and ointments. If you have a chronic allergy you can consult your physician for a stronger prescription allergy remedy. Nasal sprays are also a great tool against allergies. They act as a direct allergy remedy to your nasal passageways.

There are a few environmental modifications you can make as an allergy remedy. Wash bedding in hot water to remove dust mites. Use mattress and pillow covers to fight against dust mites. Keep your home clean and carpets vacuumed.

If you have severe allergies that can’t be managed with basic allergy remedies then head to your physician or allergist. They can take you through a series of allergy testing and provide the best treatment options for your situation. This may involve removing the allergy culprit from your environment, food plate, or clothing drawer. They can provide prescription allergy medication to knock your allergy out cold.

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