Dust Allergy
Some people sniffle or sneeze whenever they are in a dusty place. But this is not surprising. Some people are really like this, they are extremely allergic to dust. Dust allergy is regarded as the over reaction of a person’s body to an element in the dust.
These small particles are usually found in the air which people eventually inhale. Now, if your body is sensitive to such allergen, you body will stop to produce histamine.
What are the common symptoms of dust allergy?
The symptoms of dust allergy are just the same as the symptoms that occur with hay fever. It usually includes:
• Itchiness
• Watery eyes
• Runny nose
• Stuffy nose
• Asthma
• Muffled hearing
A person with this allergy need not have to worry because there are treatments available that he can use to battle this type of allergy. Medication treatments like antihistamine, decongestant and benadryl are the common prescriptions advised by a doctor or an Allergist.
If you do not have this allergy, then good for you, but for those who do, you need to know what needs to be done in order to suppress an allergic attack to happen. Follow the listed preventions below for your home to be dust-free and dust allergy-free as well.
• Wash the pillow and your bed sheets regularly using a detergent in hot water.
• Clean your mattresses and carpets weekly.
• Buy an allergy-free mattress.
• Use blinds as a replacement for curtains.
• Spray blinds or curtains with water mist to stop dust.
If you are thinking of frequently cleaning your house, then do it. It would greatly help you a lot in making your house free from dusts and other allergies.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A Brief Information About Dust Allergy
Allergy Asthma: Can You Live A Healthy Life?
Allergy Asthma
By Chelsea Aubin
Most people with allergy asthma know that when the pollen starts falling, things are going to get a little crazy. People with this condition have asthma that is triggered by pollen and particles floating around in the air. There isn't much you can do about this during this time of year but take your allergy medication, and also the inhaler that you may use to control your asthma.
When you have this condition you may notice that you get it during certain times of the year, and that it may have different triggers. Pollen is not the only allergy asthma trigger. There are also other known triggers associated with this condition. You can be allergic to everyday dust found in your house. You could also have problems with mold in the air or even on foods. There are also many other things you can encounter in your everyday life that could trigger you allergy asthma. Allergy Asthma is not something that should be taken lightly as it could quickly develop into a life threatening situation. If you do not find out what triggers your asthma, you could inadvertently walk right into a death trap.
Asthma is something that will never go away. It would also be very hard to keep the dust and pollen out of your life as well so you may ask what you can do about it then. If this person is you, you need to get to a doctor and see if he or she has any suggestions on how to control it. The doctor will most likely prescribe a medication that will help control the attacks. Sometimes after being on the medication for awhile you will never have an attack again. If you can get the medicine you will be able to control it.
You don't have to suffer because it is allergy season. You can control your asthma and still be able to enjoy the great outdoors. If the attacks prove to be that bad, you can ask for a stronger medicine that you can take twice a day to prevent attacks. You can also get an inhaler that you can take once a day, or at the beginning of attacks and feel better in a matter of minutes. The trick is to figure out if it is allergy asthma you have, so you can fix the problem.
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Allergies-relief From Allergy - Its Symptoms And Medication
Allergy Medication
By Dr.Prasad Chandragiri
What is Allergy An Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body to certain substances, called allergens. These allergens can be of plant origin such as pollens, animal origin such as dander (scales shed from the skin, hair, or fur of animals), and insect origin such as the stings of bees and wasps, or the dust mites themselves. House dust, smog, smoke, and some strong odors may trigger allergies. Drugs like penicillins and cephalosporins evoke allergic reactions in sensitive patients. Food allergies are also extremely common and vary individualistically from animal sources like eggs, milk, and sea food to plant sources such as eggplant, drumstick, and wheat. Allergens can be inhaled, eaten, injected, or contacted by the skin. Signs and symptoms of Allergies The body's defense mechanism is considering simple and otherwise harmless substances to be potentially dangerous and is preparing for battle by producing a particular type of antibody called IgE in large amounts but in a way that on exposure to an allergen for the first time, only its memory remains. However, on subsequent exposure, an allergic response is manifested in the form of signs and symptoms depending on the tissue, organ, or system involved. All these are due to the release of a chemical substance called Histamine by some body cells under the influence of IgE, thus inducing congestion, excessive secretion, and muscle spasms. The most common examples are those of Asthma (a respiratory allergy with wheezing and breathlessness) and Eczema(a skin allergy with eruptions, itching, oozing, etc.) Causes of Allergies Although modern medicine claims that allergies and most of the other chronic diseases have a hereditary predisposition to blame, homeopaths and naturopaths all over the world believe that every disease is multi-factorial in origin. Health according to them is a dynamic state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium where a homeostasis is maintained in spite of a continuous influx and interaction of the opposing or negative energies with the life perpetuating ones through harmoniously orchestrated processes that are so subtle that they can hardly be perceived. In simple words, other than one's genes, the lifestyle, diet and regimen, psychological state of a person, and degree of exposure to toxins or irritants, together contribute to giving rise to an allergic personality. Thus logically speaking, it is the immunity at fault and not the allergen. In fact, observations show that in most cases, once an allergic disposition is acquired, the body gradually begins to react hypersensitivity to more and more substances so as to only add to the medical list of allergens. Hence, it can be easily surmised that the remedial measures must be capable of bringing the deranged immunity back to normal rather than expecting and advising the allergic patients to give up or stay away from all the probable allergens. Auxiliary treatment of Allergies It has been known for long that natural foods and natural living always pays off good dividends probably because Mother Nature completely shoulders our responsibility, but if it's the artificial that you cherish, then Mother Nature will see that you perish. One doesn't really need to browse through research documents to fathom the truth in this statement. All that one needs to do is to go into retrospect and compare his or her life with that of his or her grand parents. It's not that there were no illnesses then; however, those illnesses were genuinely caused by miasma such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. These days, the number of allergic and auto-immune disorders has gone up to such an extent that they beat all the natural causes. Following is a list of probable underlying causes that set the background for the development of an allergy. * Regular exposure to pollutants in air, food, water, etc. * Sedentary lifestyle which leads to impaired blood circulation and poor oxygenation of the tissues. * Lack of sleep. * Injudicious administration of vaccines and allopathic medicines which are after all foreign proteins and chemicals which have the capacity to alter the immunity. * Frequent negative or overpowering mental states such as depression, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, irritability, despair, jealousy, etc. * Improper external as well as internal hygiene inclusive of proper bowel/bladder/sexual habits and avoidance of substance abuse in the form of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. | |
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Allergies - Food Allergies
Food Allergy
By: Michael Russell
In this article we're going to focus on one of the most annoying types of allergies, especially to people who love to eat.
You go out to the local pizza parlor, order two slices with extra cheese, sit down at the booth with your pizza in one hand and coke in the other and chow down. A few hours later after you've arrived back home just in time to watch your favorite TV show, suddenly your stomach feels like it's about to erupt like a volcano. You run like a madman to the bathroom just in time to experience what seems to be the complete emptying of your insides.
Welcome to the world of food allergies and intolerances.
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Allergies And Asthma
Cause Of Asthma
by Patricia Davis
Asthma is a chronic lung affliction that is characterized by breathing difficulties. People who suffer from asthma have extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways. In the course of an asthma attack, the airways suffer irritation and react by narrowing and constricting, resulting in increased resistance to airflow, and obstruction of the flow of air flow through the air passages to and from the lungs. The cause of the inflammation which underlying most asthma in younger sufferers is the result of one or more allergies. Compared to people in less affluent rural parts of the world, a greater number of people in western countries are affected by allergies. Additionally, allergy rates are on the rise. This is a concerning fact, particularly when allergies affect young children.
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Allergies The Silent Disease
By: The Source
Allergies affect approximately 60 million Americans, which means one in every five adults or children suffer from them, and are common in men as well as in women. Thirty-five million people have upper respiratory symptoms, which are allergic reactions to airborne pollen. Around 10 million Americans have allergies to cats and two million present severe reactions to various insect stings.
Food allergies are less common in the family of allergies. About one out of three people pretend to have a food allergy and only about three to eight percent of children younger than three years old, and only one percent of adults really have an allergic reactions to food. Unfortunately, food allergies are blamed for close to 200 deaths every year. Scientists say that allergies have to do with genetics. If one parent has allergies, there are 33% chances that each child will suffer from a form of allergy. If both parents are allergic, it is very much possible (seven cases out of 10) that their children will be allergic, too. If we are to discuss about allergies, we should have in view the fact that allergies usually stay with adults, while children sometimes outgrow them.
An allergy is in fact the response of your body to something that it perceives as a threat. Your body fights the allergen in the same way it would fight a virus or a bacterial infection. We can take as an example the pollens of some plants that are small and light and can be taken away by the winds for miles. Ragweed pollen has been found 400 miles out at sea and two miles up in the atmosphere.
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All Information Which You Want To Know About Allergies
by Justin Foss
Do you know that the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in America is Allergy, with its annual cost exceeding $18 billion. Nearly 50 million children and adults are believed to complicate and even handicap their lives due to allergies.
So what are Allergies ? Allergies make overreaction of the immune system to substances that usually cause no reaction in many individuals. These substances can trigger wheezing, sneezing, itching and coughing. Allergies besides being bothering, many also have been linked to a range of serious and common chronic respiratory illnesses (such as asthma and sinusitis). Additionally, allergic reactions can be even fatal and severe. However, with patient education and proper management, allergic diseases can be controlled, and people with allergies can lead productive and normal lives.
The capacity to become allergic like in eye color, baldness and height, is an inherited characteristic. You are not automatically allergic to specific allergens although you may be born with the genetic capability to become allergic. There are a few factors which must be present for allergic sensitivity to be developed.
Reasons for Allergic Sensitivity Development
1) One or more exposure to allergens to which one has a rogrammed response genetically. 2) The specific genes from parents to their offspring. 3) The length and degree of exposure.
Types of Allergies
Food Allergies - Food allergies are difficult to make out with effort. Even if there exists then there is a difference between intolerances and food allergies, they both cause health problems in susceptible individuals.A wide range of symptoms can be evident from foods. The immune system, respiratory system, and the digestive system can all be affected. Any food additive or food can theoretically cause problems for certain people. Even rice can be a worry for some.
Contact allergies - Not all irritation in skin is allergy-related, but one would suspect allergy to be the usual reason. Skin Rashes, Contact Dermatitis, Hives Urticaria, Atopic Dermatitis and Photosensitivity. Besides these there is also the Nickel Allergy, Fragrance Sensitivity and Cosmetics Allergies.
Inhalant allergies - There are many things which can cause sensitivities or allergic reactions in the indoor environment, whether you are in the work environment, at home, or visiting other enclosed places. These are due to Cats, Indoor Allergens, Dogs, Molds, Dust Mites, Sick Building Syndrome, Formaldehyde, Latex, Indoor Air Pollution and Occupational Allergens.
Chemical allergies - Chemical ingredients in medicine, food and everyday household products can spell danger for those who suffer from allergies. Allergies cause many people become very sensitive to chemicals. These are caused by Formaldehyde Exposure, Secondhand Smoke, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Fragrances.
Insect Allergies - The insects most likely to cause strong allergic reactions are yellow jackets, wasps, hornets, ants and honey bees.
The main motive behind publishing the article is to educate others as understanding of the allergies surely can give a potential victim to protect himself to some extent.
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A Stuffed Nose = Possible Allergy
by Kadence Buchanan
For years, I used to wake up every morning with a stuffed-up nose. I used to think I had the type of body constitution that was naturally susceptible to colds. But I wondered why, despite all my precautions to keep warm before bedtime, I would still wake up with a stuffed-up nose in the morning. I always asked myself, I don't feel like I have a cold but why is my nose stuffy?
I finally discovered the reason why about a year and a half ago. It was an allergy. Apparently, having a stuffed-up nose when you wake up in the morning is a sure sign of an allergy. So it wasn't an all-year-round cold after all. I was surprised. I always thought that allergies only affected the skin, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Ok, so I had an allergy. The next step was to find out the source of my allergy. A doctor can help you by administering a series of tests. The most common medical method is by scraping your skin and dabbing it with some substance in order to see the skin's reaction to it. Among the most commonly tested substances are grass and pollen. Sometimes, doctors can try one substance after another before finding out the source of your allergy.
The alternative to visiting a doctor is taking a simple allergy treatment that is probably available over the counter at your local drugstore.
It was my friend, Eric, who told me about these allergy treatments. As a kid, Eric has his share of allergies, especially during spring and summer when his nose was constantly runny and just wouldn't stop twitching all the time. He carried around a box of tissues everywhere he went and, as such, was the constant butt of what he called an endless stream of jokes.
After enduring those daily taunts and his stuffy nose for several years, Eric finally discovered that he was allergic to hay (he lived on a farm) and as soon as he started taking allergy treatments regularly, his nose problems stopped. And thankfully, so did the teasing of his neighbors and classmates.
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Allergies And What Are They?
By Jeffrey Meier
This probably isn't the first time you've heard of them. Allergies are so stereotyped 20% of Americans have some kind of allergic reflex or another to certain external stimuli whether food, water, or air. But what are allergies? And why do we get them?
Allergies (Stripe I Hypersensitivity) are very a malfunction of our not liable system so that our body becomes hyper sensitized and reacts immunologically to typically non-immunogenic mostlies. The substances that cause our bodies to become this way are called allergens.
In 1906, Viennese pediatrician, Clemens von Pirquet, first traced the term "allergies" after he observed that certain indications of his patients might have been a response to outside allergens, like dust, pollen, or certain foods.
Signs and Symptoms
You can differentiate your allergies if you experience swelling in parts of your body. This is called local or systemic inflammatory response, caused by the potentiality of allergens. For example, if your allergies affect you in the nose, you will experience swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis). During this condition, you will plausibly find yourself performing the "nasal salute" more than unavoidable as itching of your nose will urge you to wipe your nose in an upward position.
On the other hand, if the allergies hit you in the eyes, blooming and yearning of the conjunctiva ofttimes proceeds from. Other common signs of allergies are panting and dyspnoea, bronchoconstriction, and sometimes outright attacks of asthma. You may conjointly experience many rashes, such as eczema, series, and contact dermatitis.
Systemic allergic responses are more serious compared to local symptoms. Depending on the severity of your response, allergies can cause cutaenous reactions, bronchoconstriction, edema, hypotension, coma, and even death.
Hay fever is truly one example of minor allergies caused by airborne pollen. But beside from environmental factors, allergies may also be triggered by treatments.
Why do we get allergies?
Our immune theory is a fit-trained and disciplined bio-weapon that arranges our bodies from harmful substances. Its mechanics are so amazing that it can determine and destroy many different invaders. However, as amazing as our immune system is, it makes mistakes at times. And so we have allergies, which, as we mentioned, results from a hypersensitive not affected system.
The hyper sensitized immune system misidentifies an otherwise innocuous substance as harmful, and then attacks the substance with a degree of ferocity that is greater than required. As a result, we experience problems that can range from mildly inconvenient to uncomfortable to total failure of major organs of the body.
How does the immune system go into a hyper sensitized standing?
There are genuinely several thoughts on that. Some colleges are afraid that allergies are relatively always triggered by protein. Believing persons have faulty genetic codes so that their lymphocytes or the white blood cells (the raw material that your immune scheme is made of) are not able to property distinguish between the threatening and the non-threatening proteins.
So, for sample, when you ingest protein from shellfish, your lymphocytes think that the gob is trying to invade the body. As a result, they produce large amounts of antibodies which leash themselves to mast cells and basophils throughout the body. This is known as the sensitizing exposure and this is the very reason why you suddenly develop allergies.
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